Transyltinies -2
I finally have a good buffer of upcoming pages that I’m happy with, so after this mini episode is over Transyltown proper will return continuing episode 5! The upcoming pages are currently on the Transyltown Patreon, where you can read pages of Transyltown as they are produced for as low as one dollar a month! There are other rewards such as prints and commissions, so if you haven’t visited the Patreon page yet please do and learn what cool rewards you can have! It really helps me in producing and promoting Transyltown. I got the script for a comic called Help Wanted that I will be working on with writer, David Furr of Blue Inferno! I will share my in-progress work on the comic, on the Transltown Patreon since they have a similar tone. Expect to see some of my thumbnails and roughs there by next week! Below is a sketch of the main character, Cuff Puppy
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