Ah I never get tired of that kind of dialogue. “Oh that sounds like fun.” THEN he realizes exactly what she said. And I know how ya feel Timmy, I don’t take the heat real well either. Then again winter cold and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms either.
Ah I never get tired of that kind of dialogue. “Oh that sounds like fun.” THEN he realizes exactly what she said. And I know how ya feel Timmy, I don’t take the heat real well either. Then again winter cold and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms either.
I just saw the incentive pic. Epic. I see your Alphonse!Timmy, and raise you this: http://hazgarn.deviantart.com/art/Prideful-Armor-193906731
That’s pretty cool! Now that I think of it, Timmy would have made a good Pride cosplay.
Yeah. Pride is my favorite Humonculus. I roleplayed him a few times, in different places.
Though, Alphonse fits Timmy’s personality a whole lot more. XD