Transyltown 118
I didn’t realize that the changes I made to the comments reset the approval method. I apologize for that. It should be back to normal now, but I’ll monitor it.
Also sorry for missing yesterday’s vote incentive. I’ve been really busy (read: playing Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 too, much and am really ashamed of myself) … I was already pretty badly behind schedule… time to shape up and get back on my game!
You better! Or we’ll riot! I swearz it! We’ll beat down your door, and hit you with a stick! >.>
Also, think I got an idea as to what’s controlling the Medusa. I’ll keep it to myself, though. 😛
I don’t think the comment thing is fixed, there, Bruce.
I’m beginning to see that now, lol. I’m gonna have to get rid of that plugin and maybe find another fun comment option later.