Transyltown 91
It’s been a while since I’ve posted something here. Lately I’ve been having the pages prepared ahead of schedule, and I’d say to myself, “I’ll blog something before the page actually comes out, so it’ll be relevant.” However I would just always forget to… so I’m doing that now. Thing is… I don’t have much to say today… so… uh… enjoy J.J. Timberland give this demon a beating.
W00T! New attack shown for the win! It’s turning more and more into an anime. Heaven help us when the characters eyes take on 1/6th of their faces.
You have my permission to slap me if I start drawing eyes like that.
Aw, I wouldn’t slap such a talent. I’d just call of plague of Barney’s upon your house. lol
Heh someone’s been watching their Soul Eater
Soul Eater got something about fear driven powers, eh? What’s that saying about great minds. Lol.
I’ve read 2 volumes of it. I really like that Black*Star kid. I’m definitely gonna read more once I catch up to a few completed series I have’t finished collecting yet.