Transyltown 137
I had so much fun at Space City Con this past weekend. Over the past few years my home town of Houston, TX is having a much better and larger comic convention scene. This coming Friday the local Space City Nerd zine (which isn’t affiliated with Space City Con) is having a release party for their next issue, and this time are giving out space to local cartoonist to also promote their work at the party. I’ll be there as well! I’ve also been invited to join a project that makes it easier for up and coming artist to go to more cons. Once that’s all settled I hope it can help me get to cons outside of Texas. I really want to see what the comic fan scenes look like across the US, and maybe someday beyond!
Also the Women in Comics panel I featured on with Meredith Nudo, Jamie Kinosian, Jessi Jordan, Alva Coto and Lane Montoya was recorded. As soon as it’s posted somewhere I will have links.
It almost looks like Alfa passed out from shock that Alicia isn’t continuing the fight.
I can see how it comes off that way. I meant for it to be read as Alicia knocking him out off screen. I think I’ll add a sound effect to the blank panel.
You should have more sound effects more often. One thing I’ve noticed is that alot of comic people leave out sound effects because they feel silly about putting them in.
I personally don’t think they should feel silly. It gives an illusion, and really builds on the comic.
You know, I never really thought of them as silly. I just tend not to read them. I see an explosion, and my brain already makes the appropiate sound, so I rarely ever think to add them in my comics, but I can how they could make a vast improvement.
When’s the next update, Bruce?
This Tuesday. Sorry. I should find a way to make the blog post more apparent. I decided to take off long enough to build a smaller buffer again.